Saturday, February 21, 2004

Catch en UP

It's been a few days but it was well worth the break. Sarah and I ran to the other side of the pond and connected with the diggity and his fam, God took his time creating those kids of theirs, because they are HIlarious. Awesome time of chatting, dreaming and getting back to what God has called us to. Nate has always been my biggest fan, although he has to take a back seat to my wife now, and I love just doing life with him. Also had a chance to grab some sweet grub with Chad and Sara which always leads to a lot of laughing and remembering the good stuff in life. My mother-in-law came home from the hospital today and the family went crazy cooking up all her favorite foods and filling it with lots o love (the cheese factor was high on that comment).

I finished up my Saturday by going to a wedding and it was really cool. A very cool story, this couple, they started dating when they were barely teens and just let God direct the rest of the journey to the chapel, so to speak. Pretty rare to find that and it is so encouraging. Well we have child dedication in the morning and Real Life tomorrow night, which I'm excited to see some new faces taken over Real Life's program. Nothing makes me feel I've done my job more than when other people are empowered to share their gifts and love for God with yutes and others.

With God and life


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