Monday, March 22, 2004

Stuck in a

Well I'm back from a very long, but quite fun weekend. Spent Friday with a few of the yutes in G.R. running around and playing tour guide in my hometown. Then we went to my Brother-in-laws musical, which he did a great job in, which was a great time. It was just great to get them out of the down river and out of the mundane and spend some good quality time with them. The King of town has such a great heart and his thought process is pretty profound and he seems to be growing a lot in his relationship with God. We then hustled back Saturday morning to jump on the bus to head to Cleveland for the See spot rock concert. It was an ok concert, other than Skillet it was alot of noise to me, but the road trip and the time with the students at the mall and just hanging was more than worth it for me. Then we wrapped up Kaleo this morning and it went pretty good, I felt like I cut my message short, I don't know why, but I had much more on my heart, but what can you do? I got the main thing that was weighing on my heart and felt it was communicated well, that we work out of Faith, Love, and Hope as a foundation and Passion and Purpose as the agent. Then we had a great discussion night with Real Life on our relationship/sex series. I was very impressed with the thought process of our guys and saw potential in the king of town for a full time ministry future. The pink panther very much saw that as well. The pink panther and I got to catch up and just chat up all the good stuff and I'm pretty positive that we drive the wives nuts with our talk until neither one of us is functional ways, but it doesn't get any better than those moments as well. My heart again is uncontainable when it comes to thinking of what the future holds for us and what could and should be, love ya bro and can't wait to get going. As for Jerica, I don't know if their are hearts out there as big as yours and I am so thankful for your friendship and encouragement. I was again reminded tonight that I love doing ministry with the gaucho and the oak tree and I look forward to so much more to come in our future as a team and as friends. Best get to bed for another busy day ahead tomorrow, starting with bringing the car in for repairs bright and early, which is crappin annoying. Then hitting the weights, to programming, to gearing up for Fuel. I'll close with the insightful words of the great U2.

Moment and you can't get out of it
Wallace D.

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