Saturday, April 17, 2004

Like a bridge over

Just got back from some hang time with the j-high guys tonight. We ran to Jackson for some ice cream, which is a little bit of a roady so as to chat and catch up with this crazy group. I had an interesting conversation with a guy sitting next to me at the ice cream joint, who thought we were really out there for bringing a church group of j-highers ALL the way to Jackson for ice cream and hanging. He then asked if we were going to do a bible study afterwards. It seems simple, but I was thinking I'm glad we hang out as a group, but is it that different, we all felt pretty normal about doing that. The guy thought we would just sit in the church and do a study though? It was a really cool time of our group telling him how they always hang out and this "ministry" loves to do the random stuff that makes life fun. I was just excited to see our group share, what to them is normal, but maybe for others, sadly enough, is a foreign concept. Just a great reminder that God wants to dwell AMONG us and do life WITH us and how he meets us where WE are at. Then aren't we to do the same with the people we come in contact with. The conversation was really positive and it was kinda cool to see the guy start sharing with the people he was with that this is a church group from the Detroit area, "isn't that cool?" he said. Any way, maybe I didn't make sense with that, but it was a cool moment for our group and the conversation with the guys on the way there and on the way home was just enjoyable. Well best turn in for the night, got the 40 days campaign starting tomorrow.

troubled water
Wallace D.

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