Monday, August 09, 2004


Well the lady and I will be getting a visit from the moving company tomorrow to pick up all our stuff. Yep you guessed it, if you guessed that we are moving any way. We are hitting the road Tuesday morning for the home state of Michigan and the new home of Grand Haven. Well it looks like we will have to stay with the in laws for a short time until we can get into the condo in Grand Haven, but any way, we are calling Grand Haven home. To keep it simple and short, we were told we wouldn't be able to get paid and that the church was probably going to shut it down. There are a lot of elements to it, but the thing is we take it on the chin and move on. The lady and I feel great about heading home and we have enjoyed the heck out of the refreshment we have received in so many aspects of life while in California. Absolutely flawless weather, reconnecting with old friends, and learning more and more about relationships and the church. We feel blessed and more than anything I am just excited to get home and be able to let myself go, to be free in pouring out my heart in a way that I haven't been able to do in years. The last couple of years, in ministry I have taken big risks and I have learned heaps of great stuff. But I have never been able to completely give myself over because of relational risks and the red flags of "unsafe" people that I have been directly connected with. Now I go home to a people and a place where I know and trust my friends and family with all that I am and that God wants me to become. The people that have always believed in me most and that I have enjoyed some of the best times of my life, in ministry and in life over all. It's amazing because I know God had to teach me and really gut me of the things that I wouldn't let go of and now I feel so free to just let go. I spent several years bi-vocational part time in ministry and I was so frustrated, I just wanted to be full time and not do some "stupid" job to pay the bills. Now I just want to give of my gifts, talents, my self over all, and I could care less if I don't get a piece of candy for it ( I love candy, so it came to mind). Any way God is amazing I am humbled and blown away that he has put up with me and then doesn't look at it as putting up with me (how about that!!!). All you all out in the wolverine state, I'm looking forward to the reunion, the weather no, but the love I know will blind me to the skies. Before I sign off I have to give a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Ked and Amelia (I finally got you on the family blog Amelia, sorry it took so long) as they will have an addition to their family. You guys are awesome and the lady and I are very excited for you and will be praying for you like crazy!

Walace D.

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