Saturday, September 04, 2004

The journey continues

I have had an amazing week of learning as the staff sat down to crank out the small things so that we are prepared (if that's possible) for the God sized things that this second year will bring. I have learned so much, in my short time here, about community, being the church, and how the two are inseparable. I've experienced, over the last several years, flashy programs, services, and the things that are cool to see, but it is so amazing to see those fade away so authentic biblical community can flow it's way into a people. I am really leaning on God for healing and reviving me from the bumps and bruises that the last two years have brought. A big part of that is admitting that there is hurt in me and to surrender that to Him, it seems easy in saying but total surrender is really painful (fulfilling, but painful). When I look back at the people that have impacted my life and the people that I have been able to pour into, it amazes me to think how much time I have spent on "programs" and "elements" when all along it's always been about relationships. When asked the question, "How did you come to faith in Christ?" does it ever end with great music, cool videos, and amazing messages? They can have their role, but really behind it all was a person investing in another person. A life touching another life, and yet what gets the majority of the attention "in church?" It's just something I have been reflecting on and digesting in this journey. What an amazing journey it has been and may God continue to draw me to His truth of Love, community and being the church.

and so does the amazing Grace
Wallace D.

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