Thursday, March 06, 2008

Seeing and Hearing

So each week as we chase after God in Kids Life , we often have some people who peek in on us as they physically work out (we meet in a fitness center). One gentleman in particular has been watching us since our preview gatherings in November. Intrigued and moved by WHAT the kids were learning and HOW they were learning, he began to HEAR what they were learning. This man went from SEEING Kids Life as a ministry to others, to now EXPERIENCING it as a ministry for himself. The kids greet him each week, and there have been weeks where kids have given him there crafts and art work as a gift. Two weeks ago this man handed me a check and said I really BELIEVE in Kids Life and what you all are doing as a church. This man came to the Omni to work out physically, and God's movement through the deep has him working out each week holisticaly (mind, body and soul). "LET THE LITTLE CHILDREN COME TO ME, AND DO NOT HINDER THEM, FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD BELONGS TO SUCH AS THESE." -Jesus-

Awe struck
Wallace D.

1 comment:

Steve said...

That's too cool, Wally. Here's praying he steps into THE DEEP of God's story.